Financial Support to Build A Permanent Shelter For Less Fortune Children
Saturday, November 3, 2018
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
Hope-For Needy has been supporting the Touch - Orphans home at Mahabubnagar since long time and we feel very happy giving educational,moral and basic needs support to the kids there.
Children are staying in the rented shelter which is costing around 15000 monthly for the rent which is beyond the financials.
We have been successful in mobilizing funds for purchase of land and succeeded,as next step the construction of structure for the children is challenging and we need money to get it into the livable place for children.
As per the Plan below rooms to be constructed:
Girls Dorm, Dining hall cum Kitchen and Boys rooms.
One of the organisation sanctioned valuable donation for Girls dormitory and we need are short of funds for other structures
Requesting the people to come forward and lend hand by donating what ever the amount can be.
nothing is less ,even a penny gives confident and value.
Lets make the children live happily in the permanent shelter.
Account Details for donation
Thanks Arun, Deepthi,Priyanka,Prasanthi and Ashrota for kind donation.
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